Grazie Payton!

Questa lettera che condividiamo sulle pagine del nostro sito è stata scritta dal presidente dello Gradski klub vodenih, Imeldin Radaslic. Racconta in poche righe tutta la gratitudine della società bosniaca per essere stata ospite a Bari in occasione del primo Trofeo Payton. Parole semplici, che vi invitiamo a leggere, e che vanno oltre il semplice ringraziamento verso il nostro presidente Alfonso Rossi, perché evidenziano l’importanza che questa esperienza in Italia ha avuto in termini di crescita personale e non solo sportiva per i giovani atleti provenienti dai Balcani.

Dear Alfonso,

I would like to let you know that we have arrived safely to our homes.

Looking back over the week that have just passed, I have to say that it was the most thrilling week for me personally and the biggest step for our future development not only as a swimming sports club but individually to be better persons as well.

For me, personally, it was very important witnessing that exposure of our young athletes to different cultures and families benefited them personally to the next level of humanity cherishing the friendship and feeling to have enlarged their families. If the rest of the world could understand this we will be living in much, much better world.

Thank you very much for your hospitality and hopefully see you very soon in Sarajevo.

Best regards,

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